Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Evey Has Been Away

I know legions of you* have been checking in every day, constantly disappointed that I haven't reviewed anything since April, and then it was Factory Girl. I have been gaining spiritual enlightenment in India, and gainful employment in Australia, and now I am just about ready to start this blog up again. Here is a list of films I have seen since April that I might just feel like reviewing at some point in the near future:

Spiderman 3

Pirates of the Caribbean 3

Ocean's Thirteen

La Vie En Rose

The Lives of Others

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

28 Weeks Later



Paris, Je T'aime

Amazing Grace

Knocked Up

But don't hold out hope.

* Alex

1 comment:

Alex said...

Huzzah! You're back! I watched Gentlemen Prefer Blondes today in my influenza-d state, and it was rather amusing. Simpsons night on Tuesday!